Conferences Change

Federate the actors of a project through the use of objects in 3D printing and the weaving method of urban breaks

April 9, 2018 at 18h at ESSEC Executive at CNIT La Défense - Conference by Frédéric Rousseau VINCI Major Projects Manager on the theme "Federate the actors of a project through the use of objects in 3D printing and the weaving method of urban breaks »

The contributions of changing neuroscience

Elisabeth Georges on the topic "The contributions of changing neuroscience" from the Airbus and British Energy cases at CNIT ESSEC La Défense

Elisabeth Georges's presentation

Foreign Exchange & Exchanges February 9, 2018

Corinne FORASACCO and Jean-Pierre LE CAM will lead a practical exchange group on the theme "How is the management of transformation organized and materialized in your company? »Appointment on February 9, 2018 at 14h in the premises of ESSEC at Cnit Paris la Défense.

Conference by Eric Dosquet - 10 january 2017

Lecture by Eric Dosquet (author of Connected Objects, The digital revolution "Ed. ENI) on January 10, 2017 at 18:15 on the topic 3Connected objects"

Digital Transformation

Discovering Startups Changing the World

September 28th 2016

Campus ESSEC Executive Education (CNIT - Paris – La Défense)

Rooms 103 & 102

« Biowatch – Identification digitale multi-usages »

ESSEC Chair of Change, as part of its discovery program "the changing world" invites you to discover a major innovation in terms of identification. Developed by a Swiss startup, the technology is changing many identification and operating in the business processes. The founders of this innovation we offer a day of reflection on the change of use with this new technology

ESSEC Business School in 2011 launched a research chair on the theme of changement.Cette pulpit, multi-enterprise mobilizes an international network of researchers and praticiens.Les pulpit partners are SOCIETE GENERALE, COVEA, AG2RLAMONDIALE, FRENCH GAMES, GROUPAMA, RTE, SNCF, SANOFI, CNP ASSURANCES, NECH

9 am to 9:30 am: Welcome and Breakfast

9:30 am to 9:45 am: Introduction of the program "Discovering startups that change the world" by David Autissier

9:45 am to 10:15 am: Video presentation and project presentation by Patrick Delarive

10:15 am - 11 am: The Biowatch technology and all its uses by Matthias Vanoni

11 am - 11:20 am: Break

11:20 am to 12:20 pm: Busines box: Credit Agricole by Xavier Vaslin, head of innovation in payment solution

12:20 pm to 1:30 p.m.: Lunch break

1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Workshop 1: In small groups, proposed Biowatch uses in business + Vote for the most important uses

2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.: Workshop 2: In small groups, case design use Biowatch

3:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.: Q & A and Conclusion

Using the Workshop Factory application for collaborative workshops. This day will be filmed into a video summary

Laetitia Pfeiffer Conference

Laetitia Pfeiffer Conference on MOOC and a presentation of the change management made by the Chair on Coursera Thursday, March 10 at ESSEC CNIT at 18:30.

Conference Collaboration and Change Management: The Case of CSR

The management of agile change & digital collaborative tools

Conference "Act delivery method"