
C2C Certification

ESSEC Chair of Change Management produced with its partners process and content certification for careers in managing change. This certification is unique in France.

C2C certification (certification in change management) is a certification in change management proposed by the ESSEC Chair of Change Management (http://chaire-changement.essec.edu/). This certification applies to the people, the projects, the services of change management and the companies

The certification is provides three levels of certification with the following conditions of access:

  • To apply for the level of Change Learner, you must have attended at least one training courses in change management and have 18 months of experience in the subject and / or have participated in two projects in change management

  • To apply for the level of Change Maker, you must be a Change Learner, with more than three years of experience in the area of change management, having participated in more than two projects and you must have been responsible for at least one project in change management which includes course design in the subject of the device change management.

  • To apply for the level of Change Master, you must be a Change Maker, with more than five years experience in change management, having led a change management unit and having designed training courses in change management. You must also have designed tools to steer global change and have a good knowledge of theories and research in change management.

The certification process (outlined on the next page) aims to describe the candidate's skills and to compare them with set of descriptors. This assessment is conducted by a panel of at least two experts.

Certification is granted for a period of 5 years for the first two levels of certification. The renewal of the certification takes the form of an interview 1:30 with an expert on the topic of the evolution and the updating of skills.

In the certification system there are two types of documents. Documents defined as folders in which candidates fill in forms declaring their experience and expertise in change management. Candidates are to provide documents relevant to their professional environment about their productions when submitted their applications.

For the certification of the candidates, case studies are proposed. These are very short cases of two or three pages with questions about understanding and proposing solutions and approaches to change management.

Overall process time: For candidates: 2:30 / For the jury: 1:30.

The certification in Change Management is managed by an organization called the IEAM/C3 which an entirely dedicated to the management of the skills certification structure, from sending preliminary information to the certification of skills folder in your chosen field to the management and monitoring over time of individuals, projects or certification.

This agency operates according to the basic principles of the ISO 9001:2008 system standard of quality management. It also meets the requirements of DIN EN ISO / IEC 17024: 2012 - Conformity assessment - General requirements for certification organizations undertaking the certification of persons.

Graduation certification of change management

Graduations certifications of change management C2C for the winners of Société Générale on January 28, 2015